Dr. Chelsea Mancuso, PT DPT CIDN

Physical Therapist




This is a comprehensive exam getting to the root cause of your pain and dysfunction. I will assess mobility, strength, and functional movements to determine the best plan of care to uniquely treat you.

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Pelvic Floor Therapy

External and internal assessment to address pain, weakness, and dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles. Symptoms of leaking, heaviness, pelvic pain, and painful intercourse can all be addressed with pelvic floor therapy. This is not Kegels!

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Manual Therapy

Hands on techniques used to promote soft tissue flexibility, joint mobility, and decrease pain. Can be beneficial for acute or chronic injuries.

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Dry Needling

The use of thin, small, flexible needles to create intramuscular release and improve extensibility of tissue. It can address deeper layers of soft tissue compared to traditional hands on therapy.

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The use of vacuum suction to decompress soft tissue and improve blood flow. It can be beneficial when paired with movement to lubricate connective tissue, or fascia, and improve tissue healing.

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Physical therapy can be used proactively, help prevent injuries before they occur, by addressing muscle imbalances, flexibility issues, and stability.

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